Announcements Celebrations


Ways to Witness


Prayer Requests


Song Story






Pastor’s Commentary


Text Box: “. . . A door was opened to me by the Lord.” (2Cor.2:12)
“For a great and effective door has opened to me. . .” (1 Cor. 16:9)
“. . . Praying for us, that God would open to us a door for the word. . . .” (Col. 4:3)
Text Box:     Visit Our Web Site

Text Box: Broadcast Outreach
9:05 a.m.
Text Box: Extending our Witness . . .
Text Box: Hello My Brethren!
     As a small congregation called to do a big job, we can too easily become discouraged as we look around the Sanctuary on any given Sabbath and see that we are not many and certainly not mighty.  Some have fallen out of the habit of coming to worship with us, finding it easier and easier to seize upon any excuse to stay home or do something else on the Sabbath. Some cannot be here every week due to health or distance, and some have fled to the comfort of huge, Text Box: crowded and program-filled mega-churches.  Still others have simply grown weary and are just tired of obeying and worshipping our God, finding that the Truth is never very popular.
   I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and soul searching in these trying and often discouraging times and would like to share some thoughts with you about the Church’s purpose & mission.  It is far too easy to get caught up in Church growth or the lack thereof and forget something even more important than numbers.  That Text Box: something, I believe, is Church health. Perhaps if we focused more on the health of the Church than the size of the Church, we would all grow closer to God and please Him with our service.
    In my reading I have come across a concept that church health has five facets: every church needs to grow warmer through fellowship, deeper through discipleship, stronger through worship, broader through ministry and larger through evangelism. Jesus, in the Great Commandment and Great Commission, commands these five Text Box: Christian Church of God Newsletter
Text Box:   The Pastor’s Pen  
Text Box: Special points of interest:
Walking in the Light 
Facets of Church Health
Serving Outside the Walls of the Church
Prayer Changes Things 
 Amazing Grace

Text Box:              Volume 14, Issue 2

Contact the Editor at   /  or P. O. Box 51248, Amarillo, TX 79159